Yesterday....was a fine day for me...i cuti sakan..jgn mrh...hihihi...bereavement leave 3 days full xyhla dtg keje..kalo tolak gaji je baru i i pun cutila dgn sng hati...mysis suh dtg tlg wat kami sekeluarge..cewah...dtgla tgh hr tu...yela nk jage bdk kecik srg tu...pastu sampaila ke mlm...i on9 je kt pc walaupun xde dpn pc....ngeee...pastu ade satu mase tu..sedang i sibuk mengolek mufin...tibe2 tergerak hati i utk ke pc...saje~~...tibe2 u noe wut...i terlihat dis one nick yg i rs dhlame i xtgk...tibe2 i tgk byk msg die type kt i...siap buzz lagik..pastu wat muke mrh...cis...xleh saba dlu gk...xberubah langsung...hehe...i mis to chat wif him actually walaupun die mcm saje je byk sakitkan hati i smlm n saje wat me angry....grrr....geram betul!...geramla....but even byk jgk rs sakit hati rsnyer...but still hefi to chat wif him....windu~~~...thx jerry...:) hefi kejap....hihiih out wif fatim...go mid..teman fatim suping brg utk kwn kesukaan die...cewahh....gedikslaaaa...heheh...konon beli tie nk branded..cewahh..ikutkan saja...pastu las2 ni...bajetan 1 free 1...kekekek...okla tu fatim...pastu kiteorg try mekap mac...which is act nk belon hello kitty tu sbb comel...pastu g la sebe2...konon...pastu tny free x...pastu die kate leh bg free trus zup zap i xpuas hati dgn mekap die...dhla xberkate2...mekap skati je...bersepah muke i yg cantik i ske...sbb lepas pdg...xtola pdg sbb cantik ke pandang je...eii...buruknyer ske blusher die...bilela nk beli....tgh pk nk bli ape utk suping bln nk bli brg mahal sbb xpnh beli..weee...pastu kan...penatla....hahah..jap...kami jalan sampai kedai tutup...fatimla ni..haishh...pastu nk balik tu bole lak org lagik nk tutup kedai...kami lagik nk naik ke ats...hahhaa..xde keje sgt~~...ok sambung sokla...nk tdo..hahaha.... out wif fatim...go mid..teman fatim suping brg utk kwn kesukaan die...cewahh....gedikslaaaa...heheh...konon beli tie nk branded..cewahh..ikutkan saja...pastu las2 ni...bajetan 1 free 1...kekekek...okla tu fatim...pastu kiteorg try mekap mac...which is act nk belon hello kitty tu sbb comel...pastu g la sebe2...konon...pastu tny free x...pastu die kate leh bg free trus zup zap i xpuas hati dgn mekap die...dhla xberkate2...mekap skati je...bersepah muke i yg cantik i ske...sbb lepas pdg...xtola pdg sbb cantik ke pandang je...eii...buruknyer ske blusher die...bilela nk beli....tgh pk nk bli ape utk suping bln nk bli brg mahal sbb xpnh beli..weee...pastu kan...penatla....hahah..jap...kami jalan sampai kedai tutup...fatimla ni..haishh...pastu nk balik tu bole lak org lagik nk tutup kedai...kami lagik nk naik ke ats...hahhaa..xde keje sgt~~...ok sambung sokla...nk tdo..hahaha....
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