Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saye pun Emo!

Posted by E-e-E-leya at 7:20 PM
Lately, my pimple grow more and more...maybe because i'm tense of my work and some other things....well...only some people know why...hmm...well....i just want to express my tension feeling and a bit sad of it....sometimes when we help people and we dont expect anything back....but what we get is....tension and madness...eiiii....ok dh ckp dlm malay pulak...sbb skang ni ademud nk mrh in malay pulak...actually lately im bz doing my work kan...for this april event...klibf...mmg bz pun xgile ceni...eiii...pastu i byk jgk duk tlg akak ni wat bende2 yg berkaitan event ade gk la..i tlg duk carikkan some person to do wutever..wutever kan...jus helping other..i like to help people laaa...wutever it is...i'll try to help as i jgnla sampai wat aku tense...aku kt ofis ni..dgn bos yg cerewet tu(xkisahla die cerewet sbb die bos kan..kne respect die gk)...pastu dgn keje byk gile...pastu lgla nk wat aku tensen kt sni...nk mrh2 aku ko pehal kan...aku tolong ko...yg ko nk marah aku apehal..ckp leklok xbleh..aku pulunla duk ckp leklok sbb nk JAGA HATI KO! aku dpt ape???ko mrh aku plak..dhla aku tensen kt umah...kt ofis lg....ko ape tau...aku taula yg ko tensen be professional la...we all r adult...n plz have some manners to talk with other people eventho u dh knl lame dgn org tu...plzla....not even one people la...there r some people actually...i dun expect anything from them....mlsla nk hrp ape2 kt org sbb tau xkan dpt...hello..i've experience it okay...ade kwn skola aku tu..aku tlg die wat keje...pastu die suh letak harge nnt die byr...pastu sampai laaa ni xbyr2...msg pun pun x....nk kate lupe...xkan duit org ko nk wat2 lupe plak....kwn tu kwn gk tp biz is biz...betulla kate donald trump..dont trust anyone....yg anyone tu pun bole jadik ur musuh gk disbbkan bende2 kecik ceni la...eiii...tensen betul la...tawar hati aku nk tolong org..baik tolong dri sendri! aku ske tolong org kan..aku ske tgk org hepi..kalo aku terpakse sedey respect la aku at least...eventho i look like childish but i hv feeling la beb...ngade betul la...aku tolong ko...ko nk menensenkan hidup aku plak...cukup2la....

2 comments on "Saye pun Emo!"

Fanapicaholic on April 1, 2009 at 8:27:00 PM PDT said...

Sabar bebe ku..
nasib kita same ari ni..
and takyah jaga hati orng lain..
buat sakit ati je..
dorang bukan nk jaga hati kita..
jom jumpa.. i nk release tension dengan u.. g sopping! :D

Anonymous said...

uik.. marah nye~~... sabar je la kak.. tu la bile kite org.. ade yg hargai... ade yg x...


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